Monday, August 16, 2010

True Blood

I've heard people rave about this show forever, but since I no longer livedn in my parents house I didn't have the luxury of HBO, so I just ignored my sisters incessant requests that I watch it. Well, now that we have HBO here and season 3 is readily available to me, I have been itching to watch it. On demand they have Season 2 and all the episodes from Season 3 so far, and I'm sure they had Season 1 on there before Season 3 started, but we didn't move in in time. So I was faced with a dilema, do I buy Season 1, having never seen it before? What if I didn't end up liking it? I know I know, unlikely, pretty much every show I've ever watched entire seasons of I've gotten pulled into and ended up liking.

But then it would so happen, that B's mom came back from visiting B's sister in Walla Walla Washington (by the way, I love saying that!) and low and behold, she brought Seasons 1 and 2 with her! I was so excited! Finally I had Season 1 at my disposal and I would understand what all the fuss was about. I hate not being able to watch a show that it seems like everybody is talking about. I don't like being on the outside.

We started watching Season 1 Saturday night when she got here, and continued it through the entire day yesterday. We finished around 7 last night and decided to take a break. Now I'm sitting here and its almost 11:00 am and I'm itching to start Season 2, but of course SOMEBODY (B *cough* B) is still sleeping. I'm about to go ruin his sweet dreams and demand he wake up so that we can watch it :)


  1. Psh, you're nicer than me. I'd wake his ass up to watch it!

    I have all the seasons, I could've dropped them off if I'd have known you wanted them :P

  2. haha I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't budge so we just went ahead and started it without him hahah we're starting season 3 today!
