Monday, September 6, 2010


I find it sad to read about all the intolerance going on in our world. Specifically in reference to the building of a mosque close to Ground Zero in New York City. Yes, even though 9/11 happend 9 years ago, the wounds seem to still be open and a lot of people think that this mosque is disrespectful. What I find disrespectful is people's intolerance. Yes these terrorists bombed our country in the name of Islam. But really can you consider them good Muslims? I find it hard to believe that their religion teaches hate and violence. Now I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert on Islam, I don't even know anybody whose Muslim. But I think to blame the whole Muslim religion for something that some extremeists did is not right.

There are many people who have done things in the name of Christ that are most definitely not Christian. How about the Westboro Babtist Church. They claim that they are doing God's will, but you ask anybody if they think those nut jobs are true Christians and you will likely get a resounding "HELL NO!" I don't think it's fair to punish religion as a whole for something that a small fraction of their religion believes in.

Ground Zero should be a sight of mourning and a place for all of America to remember what happend that day. The mosque isn't even on the sight, and Muslims have just as much of a right to religion as the rest of America. Our country was founded on the basis that ANYBODY no matter what their religion, race, etc will have the same freedoms and the right to practice their beliefs, and I think its hypocritical to say that one group of people is not allowed to do something just because of some extremists. You'd be hard pressed to find any religion that doesn't have extremists. One of the wonderful things about this country is the diversity. There are so many different cultures here and if we all practiced a little tolerance we would see that take away religion, take away skin color, take away culture, we're all just the same.

Now I'm not one to get into debates over heated topics, but I just felt a compulsion to state my opinion today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not one to get on hot topics either, but I agree with you! At first when I heard the big stink, I thought they were building some huge colossal mosque ON TOP of the World Trade Center site.. which I thought was a little weird, and yes, I think there should be a great memorial there... but then come to find out, it's a community center two blocks from the site... I was like, "what's the big deal?!"

    Also, totally agree- I think every religion has extremist!
