Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I know I know

I've been doing terrible lately at keeping up, but it just seems like I don't have as much to write about right now. We're basically all settled in here, there's just some random things we still need to get, but I think we're both sick of running around all over the place, so we've taken to just relaxing when he gets off work, or exploring, like today.
I've pretty much just been playing the part of housewife, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and not that its bad, but for my own sanity, I really need to get a job. I haven't really started hunting yet, but I do have an idea of places I want to apply. I think I'm going to go around and get some applications tomorrow.
Other than that, not a whole lot to update. This weekend we're heading down to Oregon to visit B's dad. This will also be my first time meeting him. Eeek...I'm nervous but excited. I've actually talked to him over the phone before and he seems really nice.
I have also come to the conclusion that I really really really need to join a gym here. I think I have gained ten pounds since I left Minnesota, no joke. Mostly due to the fact that we were eating out so much, and even now, B still wants to eat out a lot. I'm trying to get him to eat at home more, we've bought tons of groceries, and I loaded up on fruits and vegetables. Hopefully with the right diet and some excercise I can feel a little better about myself.
Anyway that's all for now, hopefully I'll have something new and exciting to update about soon :)

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