Wednesday, July 11, 2012


It's never my intention to let this blog slip away, but some  how it ends up  happening. I really do want to rededicate myself to it this time. This deployment has been a little crazier than I thought it would, and has been really really hard at times and it's easy for me to just ignore things like this. 

But I do have a lot of projects on my to do list and this is a great place for me to share them. I will still update with some pics of the master bedroom, which in addition to being painted now has curtains. I could not be happier about his addition, it somehow makes the room feel a little more polished, and even though I'm far from finished, it feels like a step in the right direction. 

The living room is my main project right now. Painting will happen soon, I've got a color picked out, I just need to coordinate a time with my friend so that she can help out. There are a lot of pieces of furniture that I can't move by myself, so another person is essential. I'm also making some easy no sew curtains, I've got the bolt of fabric sitting right next to me, I just have to get a few more supplies. That will be a project I will be tackling this weekend. 

Another update I have planned for the living room is new pillows for the couch. I have one fabric, I'm going to cut up some curtain panels I have lying around and  my mission this weekend is to find a couple more fabrics to complete it. 

In the coming weeks I'm also hoping to acquire some new accessories to style the living room so it can feel more polished and put together, because right now it's pretty half assed. 

It's amazing how long it takes to put together a house. B and I have been living together for two years and married for a little over one and half our furniture is still hand me downs, and most of our rooms are very unfinished. It's a slow work in progress. It doesn't help that the military doesn't really pay all that well, I mean we make a living, but they should definitely be paying our guys more for the things they do. B's idea of a good time is definitely not furnishing and decorating our house. There's probably 100 other things he would rather spend money on, so I've really been trying to do this on a budget. It can be difficult sometimes, like when I see the absolute most perfect media console ever and I have been searching for well over a year for one, and it's $1,400. Not exactly in the budget. We will get there though. 

I hope to keep track of my progress and different projects I do on here, and I really really want to keep up with it. I think it will give me a good outlet as I truck through these next several months of deployment and I can actually see the progress I'm making in our home instead of focusing on the giant to-do list I still want to do. 

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