Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It's a brand new year! I've been a terrible blogger, but I will try to be better. The holidays were crazy and now we're getting ready to move again as well as gearing up for the big D, so I don't anticipate things calming down until after B leaves. This year I said I wasn't going to make any resolutions because I never seem to keep them, but I decided to go ahead and do it anyway, so here goes.

Resolution #1- Eat better. Buy more organic, natural foods. Buy less boxed processed foods. Cook things from scratch, and make dinners with real ingredients instead of grabbing a box of something because it's easy. I've been working on this one, but there's always room for improvement.

Resolution #2- Take Sulley for more walks. He loves walks, and I don't take him nearly enough and this will also get me out of the house and exercising. I anticipate this to be happening a  lot more once I move and live near my friend.

Resolution #3- Be as eco friendly as possible. I've already made great strides to make our home a lot more eco friendly and eliminated a lot of unnecessary chemicals. I've replaced our  laundry detergent, cleaning products and soaps with all natural ones that are just so much better for our bodies. We traded in our car for something newer with better gas mileage. I'm going to start composting after we move and I want to replace our cookware with these amazing green pans I found. They are non stick but don't have any of the chemicals that teflon pans have. I also want to eliminate all the plastic tupperware from the house and replace it with glass since the plastic can have harmful chemicals in it, especially when you heat up food in it. Overall I'm just a lot more conscious of the products I buy and where they come from, and I would like to continue that.

Resolution #4- De-clutter and get rid of things we don't need. Moving is going to be the perfect opportunity. I already purged my closet and got rid of a ton of things I don't need/don't wear anymore. I plan on purging the rest of the house as we're packing. I'm sick of having the mentality of 'Oh maybe I'll use it sometime.' So the new rule is if we don't use it, we don't keep it. I anticipate a lot of goodwill trips in my future.

So there we have it, my new years resolutions! I'll have to update my progress as the year progresses so I can see if I actually manage to follow through all of them.

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